Apr 20, 2009

ID: Vision. Voice. IDENTITY

One of the cover design direction for ID.

Apr 8, 2009

Dream Poems

Background art for "Dream Poems" reading in E21 program.

Apr 7, 2009


Scholastic E21 readings

Apr 1, 2009

Typhoid Mary

"Typhoid Mary: The Most Dangerous Women in America. " One of the Expert 21 reading opener image.

Feb 25, 2009

4 boxes

4 stacked boxes make one big image.
30x30", it's a big flower!

Feb 19, 2009

BIG Boxes

Marketing seems really like this version. Each box contains different teaching/learning materials, the big image on the boxes should represent each boxes' theme. Just one of those OK inhouse design, personally not THAT exciting visual though.

Feb 9, 2009

Early Childhood STUDIO program Design

Took almost whole day. The sad thing is, I know this design direction is not going to be chosen anyway. Now I'm tired...

Early Childhood STUDIO logo sketchs

First batch. Key words: Studio, Big ideas, playful, 3d space, young, colorful, real world.

Feb 6, 2009

E21 Skills Chart ver.37

The BIG ideas behind Expert 21 program. It's about all the skills and knowledge 21st century kids need to learn. This is about 12nd revision. Of cause kids don't care the logic behind their learning material at all. This is I guess totally marketing message shouting "Look how much thought we have put in this program!!"

Feb 4, 2009

E21 Cover design prototype

This is little bit different from what I usually do in terms of the style. However I was having fun doing this retro propaganda/tabloid style. This cover shows the main skills that readers would learn from this program using icons. It's still in approval process, marketing seems love this direction a lot because of its bold Propaganda style!
Design/Illustration/Art Direction by Wook Jin Jung

Expert 21 Layouts

These are some of opening spreads for E21 reading pages I worked on today. Making those mosaic tiles for the Pompeii pages made my eyes hurt.
Design/Illustration/Art Direction by Wook Jin Jung

Feb 3, 2009

SECP prototype 02

This program is divided into 8 different themes about the subjects that pre-K kids should learn. This teaching guide cover is for the Community theme pack. Combination of photographic kids image and cute vector graphic (which is my favorite style) makes very playful environment. All the graphics are related to the specific theme of cause.
Design/Illustration/Art Direction by Wook Jin Jung

Again, another combination of photo and vector graphics. Thousand icons/symbols around the kid represent tons of new (exiting) things he or she needs to learn in real world.
Design/Illustration/Art Direction by Wook Jin Jung

Feb 2, 2009

SECP prototype

Early Childhood program package prototype design.
Actually I was so exited with this design. Simple and strong vector illustration, big kids' faces, all the different ideas on their head, and you can even rotate the lid so the kids on the package can have different head all the time. It's all about mix and match! I just need to find out how to present this idea better.
Design/Illustration/Art Direction by Wook Jin Jung

Cozy Corner

Scholastic's new Classroom Library program Cozy Corner logo. This logo was approved surprisingly fast. Hope every project I work on is going on like this.

And this is one of the cover from the program. Basic design direction is many cute & whimsical characters around border in limited color. I liked white BKGD better but edits and marketing wanted strong primary color background. Guess yellow background is still cute.